Green is the new black

Green is the new black
Have you heard someone say that gardening is an enjoyable hobby for senior citizens, but anyone else won’t get their hands dirty? You could not get the real story more wrong than that. Gardening is one of the activities on the rise right now, and there are serious reasons to talk about a real trend.


So, what is happening in backyards and on patios? Why are trendsetting blogs swarming after perfect garden plans that are carefully designed but still look handmade and organic?


Let's give it a try and explain!


As you may guess, it’s the generation of young urban adults who’re taking over gardens. The same people who have owned many of the exceptional trends we have seen in recent years: knitting, craft beers, fixed-gear bicycles... you name it.


Home-grown chilli peppers is an excellent example of a genuine phenomenon. The enthusiasts seem to be so into their hobby that they are called chilli heads. The spirit of the 21st century seems to be that trends rise fast and very randomly. Looking more closely, it’s not the right conclusion, not at all. There is an apparent reason why these particular hobbies have become so popular recently, and it is much more than urban youngsters being hip and cool.


Craftsmanship and many other traditional skills have not lost their value in our urban society.


Vice versa, we have started to appreciate them in new ways because of their contrast to the technology-addicted lifestyle we are witnessing every day. Many of us want to spend our valuable time in another way than staring at a computer screen. We want to create something new.


This kind of DIY mentality plays a significant role in many of the contemporary trends. It includes very positive ideas of reusing old materials instead of buying new things. When it comes to gardening, we are talking about the number one DIY activity in the world. You cannot buy a complete garden and get it delivered to your backyard. You have to create it for yourself.


The peaking popularity of gardening does not sound so surprising after all.


The fascination of gardening is that you can choose your challenges. This kind of easiness, which practically means that you can make your hobby as tricky as you want, is one of the attractive features. If you are a beginner, you don’t have to start by recreating some of the most exquisite medieval gardens in the world. You can start with a wikiHow article and couple of raised garden beds.


Here is another nice feature of gardening nowadays. In case of troubles, you can find all the answers online. There is a great community of devoted and helpful gardeners on the internet. No-one has to solve problems alone, and there is always a chance to introduce the finest details to other gardeners. The social aspect is an essential part of modern versions of traditional hobbies.


The new generation of gardeners is here to learn the tradition. At the same time, they are also innovating new ways to do things. For example, rooftop gardening has existed since antiquity, but now it has been combined with modern architecture, so that entire city blocks are planned to include such possibilities.


Gardens are places for fresh ideas and people who want to release their full creative potential. No wonder everybody wants to try it – maybe you should too!


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