Are ants getting too interested in your Oasis...?

Are ants getting too interested in your Oasis...?

Every now and then we receive pictures where ants have taken over the Oasis, requesting over tips on how to get rid of them. Yes, sometimes ants get interested in the Oasis, too. However, there are some ways you can prevent this to happen. We have collected our best tips below.

Learn 5 tips for keeping the ants away!

1 Hang the Oasis
This Oasis is a hanging model. Keeping in on the ground, on the table, on top of a stone..where ever, you are most likely to get (plenty of) these unwanted visitors throwing a massive party on your Oasis.

2 What to hang it with?
We prefer fishing line for hanging the Oasis. It is durable and makes it look like your Oasis is floating in the air - simply beautiful! (If you hang Oasis from a plant or a tree, make sure to protect the living branch from the fishing line, too.)

3 Protecting the hanging cord
You can treat the hanging cord with some cooking oil or wrap a two-sided tape around it to stop the ants reaching any further.

4 Keep the surface clean
Keeping the Oasis surface clean from nectar spills can be helpful to making it less attractive to ants.

5 Additional protection
Ever heard of an Ant Moat? They are garden accessories designed for hanging items to keep the ants away. You install an ant moat into the hanging structure, fill it with water and this will prevent ants climbing into whatever is at the end of the hanging cord.

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